Podcast interviews with me:

Travel transformation podcast talk

Overview of the episode:

In this episode I talk to Evelina Rimkute, host of the Footprints Of An Expat podcast and author of the book Questions And Thoughts For Every Day. As a Lithuanian living in Switzerland, she has been experiencing the expat life for eight years, and has interviewed many expats on her podcast. She is passionate about encouraging women to support each other in their career paths and various life situations, and she wants to spread the message that life is a most beautiful one-time journey, whatever road you are taking. In this episode we talk about life as an expat in Switzerland, how the Swiss are experts at travelling within their own beautiful country, the differences between living in Switzerland and growing up in Lithuania, and more.

Mergaitės taip nedaro - interview

Pokalbio apžvalga:

Dirbti bankinėse institucijose Evelina Rimkutė, testavimo vadovė viename iš Šveicarijos privačių bankų, pradėjo dar studijuodama. Neretai būdama ir viena moteris komandoje ar kabinete, šiandien ji aktyviai kalba apie socialinius stereotipus bei kitas kliūtis, trukdančias įtraukti daugiau specialistų į verslo, technologijų ir žinių pasaulį. Gyvename mokslo ir technologijų amžiuje, kai neįmanoma tampa įmanoma. Tačiau kartu – neįtikėtinoje kritikos ir stereotipų apsuptyje. „Ką kiti pasakys“, „Ne bobų reikalas“ ar „Mergaitės taip nedaro“ – tai tik kelios frazės, su kuriomis vis susiduriame. Nenuostabu, kad pradėję ką naujo stabtelime, sustingstame ir imame dvejoti. Metas nuo šių baimių išsivaduoti. Pakvietėme moteris, dirbančias TECH srityje, pasidalinti savo istorijomis, kaip jos atrado gyvenimo aistrą ir kasdien džiuginantį karjeros kelią.


Family Talks

In this newly launched podcast I talk with my family about their life experience, memories and special moments.

The podcast is held in my native - Lithuanian - language

Footprints of an Expat

 In this podcast I will bring you the footprints of lives left behind and steps of new lives being created. 

I will invite women from various countries to share their stories and talk about which roads they needed to take to be where they are now.

 I would like to celebrate brave decisions and the human ability to connect, to build, to create and to thrive.